Sunday, November 15, 2009

I can't hear you!

That's right girls and ghouls, I have been busy assembling. With DogCon 2010 creeping around the corner and the amount of what remains of 2009 available to me for hobbying I have decided to make a start. What do I mean?

As the picture might suggest, I am now the owner of a Helblaster Volley Gun/Helstorm Rocket Battery. For $35, it is a very nice piece of kit which required very little assemble. A motivated assembler would take no more than 15 minutes to assemble it completely, including processing.

The frame of the artillery piece is separate to the Volley Gun and Rocket Battery components which are normally affixed in via a light 'clip' into the frame. What this means that you can interchange the Volley Gun and the Rocket Battery components with ease and magnets are not required.

I found trying to remove the mold lines on the actual rockets to be slightly irritating because of the frailty of the pieces and their prominent locations both above and underneath the tip of each rocket. Aside from that it was quick filing. I've only glued on one set of rockets at this stage so I can paint the rest.

The artillery crew are fun 3-piece models, with nicely detailed bodies that are relatively light on mold lines. The heads are quirky and fun but don't provide much room for modifications as they're all hatted. The Engineer's heads are suitably ostentatious and will find use in my other parts. The Engineer has two sets of arms, one with a telescopic device and pointing arm and the other with binoculars and a sword. In a pinch you could use these and the spare Engineer helm to make a Master Engineer hero.

On the Lustrian side of things, I've assembled some more Saurus warriors with spears and resumed work on my beloved Kroxigors. The latest models look great, but boy are they annoying to assemble. If you aren't a fan of pinning everything together then greenstuffing the gaps, don't get them. I've deliberately chosen an all-plastic Empire army because I fear the longer I work on fiddly Lizards the more likely I am to buy something like a Dremel Stylus. 2 more Kroxigor and 2 Terradon to go.

I probably won't have the opportunity to work on anything more till after my last exam on the 24th, so we'll see how things go in the mean time.

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